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2024.03.08 Lecture Sarah Swindell

Writer's picture: AmelieWooAmelieWoo

Updated: Mar 20, 2024

Keyword: Retailer, evolving version

It's undeniable that Sarah is a lady with rich work experience. From being a fashion designer to a menswear designer, and now establishing her career, even though most of her current work revolves around the retail industry, her daring attitude towards trying new things and embracing change is something I find admirable. In this lecture, she mentioned that one of the new challenges she faces is the emergence of AI technology. Unlike many conservatives, she doesn't fear AI; instead, she sees it as a great assistant. Because she has knowledge in this area and is willing to learn, she feels in control of AI.

不得不承认的是,Sarah是一个工作经历丰富的女士。从fashion designer到menswear designer,再到现在establish own career,即使现在的工作大部分是关于零售业,但是她的敢于尝试和积极迎接变化的态度和工作方式是非常值得我学习的。在本场讲座里,她提到,现在她面临的新挑战之一就是ai技术的出现。而她的态度和很多保守派的人不一样,她不恐惧, ai反而是她很好的助手。因为她有这方面的知识,她也愿意去学习,所以对于ai的她的掌控力是可控的。

This got me thinking about my attitude. I have a willingness to understand AI. (Here is the latest technology of openai to create videos through text content: However, on a macro level, AI's development speed undoubtedly exceeds my learning speed. So, I need to examine its future development direction and its compatibility with my future career path, all while maintaining a proactive learning attitude rather than rejection. This reminds me of China's choice to close its doors during the Qing Dynasty, ignoring the steam age of the West, which led to the country's development lagging behind the world by half a century. So, we should learn from history, draw lessons, and look at this era's products with a more open and far-sighted perspective.

这不禁让我思考自己的态度,我对于ai是有一种愿意去了解的想法的。(这里放上一个openai的最新技术,通过文字内容创造视频 但是宏观上来看,无疑ai的发展速度一定是超过我的学习速度的,所以我需要审视它的未来发展方向和我的未来的工作职业的匹配程度,并且抱有一种主动学习而非拒绝的态度。这让我想到清代中国选择闭关锁国,对于西方蒸汽时代选择忽视,固步自封,这才导致整个国家的发展速度落后了世界水平整整半个世纪。所以我们应该以史为鉴,吸取教训,以一个更开放更长远的目光去审视这种时代产物。

Speaking of taking a long-term view of things, Sarah analyzed the current realities she faces and her thoughts on the future from three angles: "Market Influence," "Current Challenges," and "The Future." The impact of the pandemic on the industry is undeniable and continues to this day. For example, people are more willing to work from home now. However, for designers, working from home means they cannot communicate their ideas face-to-face, significantly reducing the effectiveness of communication. And since design ideas are more abstract compared to general ideas, we must find ways to overcome this. Additionally, Sarah mentioned the recent world conflicts' impact on ordinary people's lives, which serves as a warning. This doesn't just concern how we should design but how we should behave. Before becoming a designer, we should be morally upright individuals.

所以说到以长远的目光看待事物,Sarah从以下三个角度“market influence”“Current Challenges”和“The Future”来分析了现阶段她所面临的现实和对于未来的思考。疫情对于行业的影响是不可忽视的并且延续至今。比如现在人们更愿意在家工作。但是对于设计行业的人来说,在家工作意味着他们无法面对面的交流想法,这样一来,交流的效果就会大打折扣。并且设计的想法相比于一般的想法是更加抽象的,因此我们必须想办法克服。同时,Sarah提到近期的世界战争的影响对于平常人的生活也是具有警示意义的。这并不是关系到我们应该如何设计而是我们如何behave?在成为设计师之前我们应该是一个品德良好的人。

As for future employment, people will work with a more equal and free attitude, and the nature of work will be more flexible and collaborative. As young designers, we must realize that the world is evolving, and things are always evolving. So, we must be prepared to face challenges at all times, not stagnating with a static attitude but viewing challenges as a form of growth. Being a designer is a dynamic profession, always ready to learn new skills, embrace new trends, and adapt to new roles.


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